Once it was revealed that an associate at Mercury Public Affairs, a firm that reps Walmart, had posed as a USC student to attend a closed press conference hosted by Warehouse Workers United, she was swiftly sacked.
Commenters on our story expressed skepticism over the firm’s claim that Harnett didn’t first consult with her managers before taking action.  Today, Gawker wonders whether “Harnett was being scapegoated.” And Gawker links to others on Twitter (we found a few more as well) who have expressed a fair amount of doubt that a junior staffer would take such a great risk on her own.
To recap,Walmart is trying to open a new store in Los Angeles’ Chinatown. Mercury is helping with that effort. A WWU rep told Gawker that Harnett went to the closed press conference, signed in to the media list under a false name, and conducted an interview with a warehouse worker. She then came back on a separate day and handed out business cards, saying she worked with the retailer.